They found a hidden Van Gogh self-portrait while performing an X-ray on another painting | Boing Boing

2022-08-14 19:50:14 By : Ms. Grace M

The worst part about getting into an artist, irrespective of medium, is running out of new material. When I first became a Lauryn Hill fan, I was disconsolate to discover she only produced one studio album as a solo act. I felt like I had to ration rotations on the record to preserve my enjoyment for future decades. I have similar experiences with all artists I fall in love with. 

After watching National Geographic's Genius miniseries on Pablo Picasso, I fell down the rabbit hole of admiring his work. Even as I was beginning to enjoy his art, knowing that Picasso left a finite, albeit sizeable, amount of work, I subconsciously started calibrating for the day when all his art would no longer be new to me. If only you could keep finding new art by your favorite creators forever. 

In the video linked above, the National Galleries of Scotland found a secret Van Gogh self-portrait on the back of "Head of a Peasant Woman" during an X-ray. Experts are currently trying to find a safe way to separate the two paintings as they're bound together with an adhesive.

Mepaintsme is an online gallery of contemporary art. If you're looking to follow more artists on Instagram, you'll find brilliant art from all types of artists on their page. You can visit the online gallery here. What I love about this gallery is the originality, playfulness, and soul that is present in so much of… READ THE REST

I thoroughly enjoyed this rather enchanting 13-minute interview of Laurie Anderson by Anderson Cooper in her studio. They talk about her upbringing and her career, her relationship with the late Lou Reed, how she defines herself as an artist, and much more. Thumbnail: Anderson playing in Times Square, 2016, Alex Lozupone, CC BY-SA 4.0. READ THE REST

The Infinitizer is a magnificent installation at Meow Wolf Las Vegas created by artists Alex and Allyson Grey. This totally immersive art piece features a room full of sculptures of giant heads that have changing, psychedelic patterns projected onto them. An infinity mirror makes it look as if there is a never-ending tunnel of mystical… READ THE REST

There's a lot of reasons to buy a new smoking piece. Maybe you dropped your old one and that cool glass octopus build doesn't work so well when it's in a million pieces. Perhaps you're making the switch from rolling your own to something a little less cumbersome. Or maybe you just want an upgrade. Whatever… READ THE REST

From ensuring you have enough money for gas this week to keeping up with today's politics, life is far from easy. And everyday things like making dinner, commuting to work, and even lighting candles should be the least of your worries. But when it comes to reaching down into the jar of your favorite candle, unable to… READ THE REST

Gaming is something that most people can appreciate. Whether you're into the classics, a casual gamer, or a die-hard who plays all the time, there are many different ways to enjoy the hobby. But we think it's safe to say, novice or professional, we're all interested in how games even come to be. If you're fascinated by gaming… READ THE REST

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